The Proliferation of Moving Out Of Home (MOOH) Advertising Analytics


The advertising industry is undergoing exponential change. The out of home (OOH) advertising industry has consisted of stationary billboards, transportation vehicles such as bikes, scooters, cars & busses, and other permanent assets in shopping malls and streets. You can even go as far to say that out-of-home advertising started in Stone age with cave drawings, [...]

The Proliferation of Moving Out Of Home (MOOH) Advertising Analytics2021-01-26T17:41:31-06:00

A Shift in Advertising Mediums


The advertising industry is undergoing exponential change.  Historically, out-of-home advertising used to be the main mechanism companies could attract potential customers, such as with signs and billboards.  You can even go as far as to say that out-of-home advertising started in the Stone age with cave drawings, providing information on where to go for food [...]

A Shift in Advertising Mediums2021-01-26T17:41:31-06:00

A Data-Driven World


Data is changing the world around us. This past year the total volume of data reached 45,000 exabytes - 1 exabyte is 1018 bytes - and this number is only expected to rise. Experts predict this number will double within the next two years as advanced technology is allowing for increased data-storage capacity at reduced [...]

A Data-Driven World2021-01-26T17:24:27-06:00

Where Robotics is Headed and Why You Should Care


All of us have had some exposure to robotics, whether it be crying over Wall E, scared by Ultron or “evil AI”, or maybe you’ve sat in a self-driving tesla or owned a Roomba. Research and advancement in robotics has recently been accelerated by the rapid growth of AI algorithms, particularly with the application of [...]

Where Robotics is Headed and Why You Should Care2020-11-17T20:55:43-06:00

The Boundary Between Machines and Humans


In recent months, I’ve been fascinated with the potential collaboration in thoughts of machines and humans. Many times, a huge buzzword being thrown around is “augmentation”. However, what does that really mean? Is it robots replacing all the menial, day-to-day tasks humans have done to free-up time for elevated thinking? How does one label how [...]

The Boundary Between Machines and Humans2020-11-17T20:55:43-06:00
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