18thDec, 2020

Brief Summary Adapted From Venture Deals: What is a Term Sheet?

By |December 18th, 2020|VC Reflection|

In essence, a term sheet is a legal document that outlines the transfer of capital from investors for equity in a company. This process happens seamlessly every single day on your favorite stock exchange. Gen [...]

14thDec, 2020

Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups by Jason Calacanis

By |December 14th, 2020|VC Reflection|

I recently finished reading Angel by Jason Calacanis and did not realize how impactful it would be. I started to realize how truly passionate I was about entrepreneurship/startups and started respecting the work in a [...]

20thNov, 2020

Recess: the Diligence Process of the Online Sponsorship Marketplace

By |November 20th, 2020|Portfolio Companies|

The sponsorship marketplace is large and vast, offering a wide range of sponsorship opportunities. The challenge is to effectively connect both sides of the marketplace, sponsors and event organizers, and add onto that a global [...]

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